To most employees, payday is an occasion to be celebrated. And although employers should be just as enthusiastic about being able to compensate their staff on a regular basis for their hard work, many find the actual payroll process to be somewhat frustrating and time-consuming. There’s often too much paperwork, overly complex procedures, even ancient software that never really worked that well in the first place especially as the workforce grew and changed.
To help businesses get a better handle on their payroll needs and reduce their payday stresses, Baker & Associates CPAs offers a variety of customized payroll services, in addition to our other tax preparation, bookkeeping and accounting services.
Think local
Although national payroll processors may be useful to larger businesses that have employees around the country, they don’t necessarily offer the flexibility of a local payroll service provider. Many national payroll products also require clients to take care of a lot of the data entry, calculations and organization themselves, which kind of defeats the intention of being able to save so much time.
Worse, it’s often a challenge to reach someone immediately at these national places when you have a question, detect an error, want to relay a concern from an employee, or just need technical help.
In comparison, as a proud Hamilton-based company, Baker & Associates CPAs feels it’s important to provide personal service and accessibility. We know you, we know your business, and we know you want local support. More importantly, we know you would prefer to put your efforts into making your business successful, instead of being distracted by payroll duties week after week.
What we offer
Small- or medium-sized businesses are able to benefit from a variety of customizable payroll services tailored especially to their size and needs.
Our experts will be happy to help you and your team design and implement a computerized payroll system that will facilitate processing of employee info and timely payment to your staff. We will also take care of correct tax deductions and keep track of dispersed data which can be used in individual and business returns and planning.
A customized payroll system offers a wide range of options and components to make sure it has all the features your organization needs and wants to be efficient and timely.
These can include:
- Check printing
- Calculating of additional compensation like bonuses and commissions
- Direct Deposit
- Report creation
- Tracking data
- Local, state and federal tax filings and support
- Easy employee access and input
- Integration with other systems such as employee benefits/retirement
- Ease of adding/removing employee profiles
- Garnishment payments
If you would like to request other options to improve your company’s payroll process, let us know!